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LDR Module Light Control Switch Photoresistor brightness For Arduino

The LDR Module Light Control Switch Photoresistor offers an easy and effective way to incorporate light-sensing capabilities into your Arduino projects. With its adjustable sensitivity and simple output, it provides flexibility and control for a wide range of light-dependent applications.

150 L

The LDR Module Light Control Switch Photoresistor is a versatile and easy-to-use component designed for light-sensitive applications in Arduino projects. This module utilizes a photoresistor (LDR) to measure ambient light levels and control electronic devices based on brightness. Ideal for DIY electronics, automation systems, and educational experiments, this module simplifies the integration of light-sensing capabilities into your projects.

Key Features

  • Photoresistor (LDR):
    • Uses a light-dependent resistor to detect ambient light levels, providing analog output based on the brightness of the environment.
  • Easy Integration:
    • Designed for straightforward connection with Arduino and other microcontrollers, making it ideal for both beginners and advanced users.
  • Adjustable Sensitivity:
    • Includes a potentiometer to adjust the light sensitivity threshold, allowing you to fine-tune when the module triggers based on light levels.
  • Versatile Applications:
    • Can be used in various projects such as automatic light control, light-sensitive alarms, and brightness-based triggers.
  • Compact Design:
    • Small and lightweight, easily fits into various projects without taking up excessive space.
  • Simple Output:
    • Provides an analog voltage output that varies with light intensity, making it easy to read and process with an Arduino or other microcontrollers.


The LDR Module Light Control Switch Photoresistor is perfect for:

  • Automatic Lighting Systems: Control lights based on ambient light levels, such as turning on lights when it gets dark.
  • Brightness-Based Alarms: Trigger alarms or notifications when light levels fall below or exceed a certain threshold.
  • Educational Projects: Teach and experiment with light sensors and control systems in educational settings.
  • DIY Electronics: Integrate light sensing into various custom electronics and automation projects.

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