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LM75A Temperature Sensor

Monitor temperatures accurately with the LM75A Temperature Sensor.

This reliable digital sensor provides precise temperature readings with an I2C interface, making it ideal for a wide range of applications including environmental monitoring, HVAC systems, and embedded projects

250 L

LM75A Temperature Sensor: Accurate Digital Temperature Monitoring

The LM75A Temperature Sensor offers precise and reliable temperature measurements with a digital interface, making it an excellent choice for a variety of applications. Designed for accuracy and ease of integration, this sensor is ideal for environmental monitoring, HVAC systems, and embedded projects.

High Accuracy and Precision The LM75A provides accurate temperature readings with a resolution of 0.125°C. Its digital output ensures precise measurements, making it suitable for applications requiring high accuracy.

I2C Interface Equipped with an I2C communication interface, the LM75A facilitates easy integration with microcontrollers and other digital systems. The I2C interface allows for simple connectivity and efficient data transfer, streamlining the development process.

Wide Temperature Range The LM75A covers a broad temperature range from -55°C to +125°C, making it versatile for various environmental conditions. This range supports a wide array of applications, from industrial monitoring to consumer electronics.

Low Power Consumption Designed for energy efficiency, the LM75A operates with low power consumption, making it suitable for battery-operated and low-power devices. Its energy-efficient design extends the lifespan of your projects and reduces overall power requirements.

Compact and Easy to Integrate The sensor’s compact form factor allows for easy integration into tight spaces and various designs. Its straightforward connection and small size make it a practical choice for both new designs and existing systems.

Reliable Performance Built for consistent and reliable performance, the LM75A ensures stable operation over time. Its robust design supports dependable temperature monitoring in a variety of conditions and applications.

Versatile Applications Ideal for use in environmental monitoring, HVAC systems, and embedded projects, the LM75A provides versatility and reliability. Its accurate temperature readings and digital interface make it a valuable component for a range of applications.

Cost-Effective Solution Offering high accuracy and reliable performance at an affordable price, the LM75A Temperature Sensor provides excellent value for your projects. Its combination of features ensures precise measurements and ease of use without breaking the budget.

Enhance your projects with the LM75A Temperature Sensor for accurate and reliable digital temperature monitoring, offering precise readings, easy integration, and versatile applications for a wide range of needs

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