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1TB SSD Samsung T7 MU-PE1T0R


  • External high-speed storage in a durable design and additionally protected against the ingress of water and dust thanks to IP65 certification
  • Up to 9.5 times faster than external hard drives with data transfer rates of up to 1,050 MB/s thanks to USB 3.2 Gen. 2
  • Password protection based on AES 256-bit hardware encryption
  • Thanks to the shockproof rubber housing, the T7 Shield can survive falls from a height of up to three meters
  • The two included USB cables Type-C to C and Type-C to A enable connection to, among other things, PCs, Mac, iPhone 15, Android™ devices, Smart TVs and game consoles (e.g. Playstation, Xbox)

19,900 L

1TB Samsung T7 Portable SSD MU-PE1T0R – High-Speed, Compact Storage Solution

Boost Your Storage with Samsung T7 Portable SSD

Upgrade your data storage with the Samsung T7 Portable SSD (MU-PE1T0R), a compact and high-performance solution designed to meet your demanding storage needs.

With a generous 1TB capacity, this SSD offers ample space to store and access your essential files, media, and backups.

Exceptional Speed and Reliability

Featuring USB 3.2 Gen 2 technology, the Samsung T7 delivers impressive read speeds of up to 1,050 MB/s and write speeds of up to 1,000 MB/s.

Ensuring rapid file transfers and efficient performance for both professionals and everyday users.

Its NVMe interface further enhances its speed, making it an ideal choice for tasks requiring high-speed data access.

Durable and Secure

The 1TB SSD Samsung T7 MU-PE1T0R is built to endure, with a robust aluminum enclosure that protects your data from physical damage.

It is also equipped with AES 256-bit hardware encryption, providing an added layer of security to keep your sensitive data safe from unauthorized access.

Sleek and Portable Design

Compact and lightweight, the Samsung T7 is designed for maximum portability.

Its sleek and durable design, combined with its pocket-sized dimensions, makes it easy to carry wherever you go.

Whether you’re traveling or working on the go, this SSD provides a reliable and convenient storage solution.

Versatile Compatibility

Compatible with various devices, including PCs, Macs, and gaming consoles.

The Samsung T7 offers seamless integration with your existing setup. It comes with a USB Type-C to Type-C cable and a USB Type-C to Type-A cable, ensuring versatile connectivity options.

Key Features:

  • Capacity: 1TB
  • Read Speed: Up to 1,050 MB/s
  • Write Speed: Up to 1,000 MB/s
  • Interface: USB 3.2 Gen 2, NVMe
  • Encryption: AES 256-bit hardware encryption
  • Compatibility: Windows, macOS, and various gaming consoles
  • Included Cables: USB Type-C to Type-C, USB Type-C to Type-A
  • Design: Aluminum enclosure, compact and portable

Enhance your data storage capabilities with the Samsung T7 Portable SSD.

Whether you need a fast and reliable storage solution for work, entertainment, or everyday use, this SSD provides the performance and durability you need.

SKU: MU-PE1T0R Kategori: ,

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