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2TB Seagate Barracuda ST2000DM008 7200RPM 256MB

Seagate Barracuda ST2000DM008 Internal Hard Drive 3.5″ 2 TB Serial ATA III

Brand: Seagate
Product family: Barracuda
Product name: ST2000DM008
Item code: ST2000DM008
EAN/UPC code: 0763649100165
  • 2TB 3.5″ 7200 RPM Serial ATA III
  • PC HDD
  • Storage drive buffer size: 256 MB
  • SMART technology
  • 415g

8,500 L

2TB Seagate Barracuda ST2000DM008 7200RPM 256MB
Thanks to Intel Optane Memory, a revolutionary class of non-volatile memory, BarraCuda hard drives offer all the advantages.
– Performance and responsiveness of solid-state hard drives
– Huge storage capacity
– Twice the speed of starting and loading applications compared to traditional hard drives
– Affordability without compromise

Versatile. Fast. Reliable.
The BarraCuda offers the industry’s highest storage capacity for desktop and mobile computers. With hard drives with up to 12TB of storage capacity, the BarraCuda portfolio offers a great option for affordable upgrades. The uncompromising BarraCuda Pro combines leading storage capacity with a spindle speed of 7,200 rpm for fast performance and short loading times in games or under heavy loads. The BarraCuda Pro is also available with a 5-year limited warranty.

Perfect performance with 2TB Seagate Barracuda ST2000DM008 7200RPM 256MB

Solid reliability backed by over 20 years of innovation. Versatile mix of high storage capacity and affordable price for every budget. Multi-Tier Caching Technology ensures excellent hard drive performance.

Multi-Tier Caching Technology
All hard drives in the BarraCuda product family are equipped with Multi-Tier Caching (MTC). With MTC, your PC can reach new heights of performance so you can load applications and files faster than ever. Thanks to intelligent NAND flash layers, DRAM and media cache technologies, BarraCuda delivers improved read and write performance by optimizing data flow.

BarraCuda Pro comes with a Rescue Plan for data recovery.
Your data is important. And you rely on it. Rescue data recovery plans provide peace of mind for both creative professionals and high-performance users. That’s why they now come standard with the BarraCuda Pro. Whether you have a mechanical problem or accidental damage to your hard drive, Seagate is there for you. With a data recovery rescue plan, you gain access to highly competent data recovery experts and benefit from a 95% customer satisfaction rate. Purchase the BarraCuda Pro hard drive and be sure that you don’t have to worry about your data on the hard drive for two years.

Proven Reliability
The reliable BarraCuda family of hard drives will prevail and serve us for years to come.

Experience – Seagate has manufactured and delivered the highly reliable BarraCuda family of hard drives for more than 20 years. BarraCuda – Seagate’s reputation for hard drive reliability speaks for itself, and the BarraCuda family is often praised by leading publications and customers. Less worry with a hard drive you can rely on – the BarraCuda Pro is backed by a 5-year limited warranty.

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