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AC 220V 2000W SCR Voltage Regulator

The AC 220V 2000W SCR Voltage Regulator Module offers a comprehensive solution for managing power with precision.

Its robust design and versatile functions make it an excellent choice for controlling lighting, motors, and temperature in a wide range of applications.

450 L

AC 220V 2000W SCR Voltage Regulator Dimming Dimmers Motor Speed Controller Thermostat Electronic Voltage Regulator Module

Product Description

The AC 220V 2000W SCR Voltage Regulator Module is a high-performance electronic device designed to control and adjust voltage levels, dim lighting, regulate motor speeds, and manage temperature. This versatile module is ideal for various applications requiring precise control of AC power.

Key Features

  • High Power Rating:
    • Voltage: AC 220V
    • Power: Up to 2000W
    • Suitable For: Heavy-duty applications including motors, lighting, and heating elements
  • SCR Technology:
    • Type: Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR)
    • Function: Provides reliable voltage regulation and control with minimal power loss
  • Dimming Capability:
    • Control: Smooth dimming of incandescent lamps and other compatible lighting fixtures
    • Application: Ideal for adjusting light levels in various settings
  • Motor Speed Control:
    • Function: Allows precise adjustment of motor speeds for fans, pumps, and other AC motors
    • Versatility: Suitable for use in both residential and industrial applications
  • Thermostat Function:
    • Control: Regulates temperature by controlling heating elements
    • Usage: Perfect for applications requiring consistent temperature management
  • Electronic Voltage Regulation:
    • Adjustable: Fine-tune voltage output to match the needs of your devices
    • Efficiency: Enhances performance and extends the lifespan of electrical components
  • User-Friendly Design:
    • Interface: Easy-to-use dial or knob for precise adjustments
    • Installation: Simple wiring for quick setup and integration
  • Safety Features:
    • Protection: Includes over-voltage, over-current, and thermal protection to safeguard connected devices
    • Durability: Designed for reliable long-term use under various operating conditions


  • Input Voltage: AC 220V
  • Maximum Power: 2000W
  • Control Type: SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier)
  • Functions: Dimming, motor speed control, temperature regulation, voltage adjustment
  • Installation: Panel mount or enclosure mount (depending on model)
  • Dimensions: Varies by model
  • Weight: Varies; generally robust for durability


  • Lighting Control: Dimming of lamps and other light sources
  • Motor Control: Speed regulation for fans, pumps, and other motors
  • Temperature Management: Control of heating elements in various appliances
  • Voltage Regulation: Fine-tuning voltage levels for sensitive equipment

Package Includes:

  • 1 x AC 220V 2000W SCR Voltage Regulator Module

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