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1TB Samsung Portable T9 MU-PG1T0B/EU

  • Capacity: 1TB
  • Interface: USB 3.2 Gen 2×2 (Type-C)
  • Read/Write Speeds: Up to 2,000MB/s
  • Dimensions: [Insert dimensions]
  • Weight: 58g
  • Compatibility: Windows, Mac, Android
  • Encryption: AES 256-bit hardware encryption
  • Color: Black

21,900 L

Samsung Portable SSD T9 1TB MU-PG1T0B/EU – High-Speed, Durable, and Portable Storage

The Samsung Portable SSD T9 1TB MU-PG1T0B/EU is a high-performance external solid-state drive (SSD) designed for professionals and on-the-go users who need fast, reliable storage. Offering 1TB of storage capacity, the T9 is perfect for handling large files such as 4K videos, high-resolution photos, and complex design projects.

Key Features

Blazing-Fast Transfer Speeds
Equipped with USB 3.2 Gen 2×2 technology, the Samsung T9 delivers ultra-fast read and write speeds of up to 2,000MB/s, allowing you to transfer large files in seconds and boost your productivity.

1TB Storage Capacity
With 1TB of storage, the T9 offers ample space for storing a wide range of content, from high-definition videos and photos to heavy software applications and important documents.

Compact and Portable Design
Weighing just 58g and featuring a sleek, durable design, the T9 SSD is built to fit into your pocket or bag, making it easy to carry your files wherever you go without compromising on performance.

Durable Construction
Designed to withstand everyday bumps and drops, the Samsung Portable T9 offers shock-resistant protection to safeguard your data, providing peace of mind when working in challenging environments.

Advanced Data Security
The T9 features Samsung’s encryption technology, ensuring that your data remains safe and secure. The AES 256-bit hardware encryption protects your files from unauthorized access.


  • Capacity: 1TB
  • Interface: USB 3.2 Gen 2×2 (Type-C)
  • Read/Write Speeds: Up to 2,000MB/s
  • Dimensions: [Insert dimensions]
  • Weight: 58g
  • Compatibility: Windows, Mac, Android
  • Encryption: AES 256-bit hardware encryption
  • Color: Black


Creative Professionals
With its high transfer speeds and ample storage, the Samsung T9 is ideal for photographers, videographers, and designers, allowing them to store and transfer large files quickly while on the move.

Business and Personal Backup
The 1TB capacity makes the T9 a great option for backing up important documents, presentations, and software. Its compact design ensures easy portability for both business travel and personal use.

Gaming and Entertainment
The T9 SSD can store large game files, ensuring fast load times and uninterrupted gaming experiences. It’s also perfect for carrying your entertainment media library on the go.


Lightning-Fast Speed
With speeds of up to 2,000MB/s, the Samsung Portable SSD T9 drastically reduces the time it takes to transfer large files, making it perfect for professionals who value efficiency.

Sleek and Lightweight
Weighing only 58g, the T9’s slim design makes it easy to slip into a pocket or bag, ensuring portability without sacrificing storage capacity or speed.

Secure and Reliable
The T9’s built-in AES 256-bit encryption provides high-level security, protecting sensitive files from unauthorized access. Its durable build also protects your data from physical damage.

The Samsung Portable SSD T9 1TB MU-PG1T0B/EU combines exceptional speed, durability, and portability, making it a top choice for professionals and everyday users who need fast, reliable storage. Whether for creative work, backups, or gaming, the Samsung T9 delivers high-performance storage in a sleek, compact package.

SKU: MU-PG1T0B/EU Kategori: , , , ,

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