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5V 1 Channel Relay Module with Optocoupler for Arduino

Control high-voltage devices safely with the 5V 1 Channel Relay Module with Optocoupler for Arduino.

Ideal for home automation and robotics, supporting 250V/10A loads

150 L 250 L


The 5V 1 Channel Relay Module with Optocoupler for Arduino is a versatile and essential component for your electronics projects, allowing you to control high-voltage devices with ease. Designed for seamless integration with Arduino and other microcontrollers, this relay module is perfect for a wide range of automation and control applications.

Key Features

  • Single Relay Channel: Offers simple control over one device, ideal for straightforward automation tasks.
  • 5V Operation: Operates at a standard 5V DC, making it compatible with most Arduino boards and microcontrollers.
  • Optocoupler Isolation: Provides electrical isolation between the control circuit and the high-voltage load, ensuring safe operation and preventing damage to your electronics.
  • LED Indicator: Includes a built-in LED that illuminates when the relay is activated, providing clear visual feedback on relay status.

Technical Specifications

  • Relay Type: SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw)
  • Load Voltage:
    • AC: 250V @ 10A
    • DC: 30V @ 10A
  • Control Signal: Low-Level Trigger (0-1.5V for off, 3-5V for on)
  • Input Pins: IN (Control signal), GND (Ground), VCC (Power)


The 5V 1 Channel Relay Module is ideal for:

  • Home Automation: Control appliances, lights, and other devices remotely.
  • Robotics: Manage motors and other high-power components.
  • Industrial Control: Automate machinery and equipment with reliable switching.

Integration and Usage

This module is easy to integrate with Arduino and other microcontroller platforms. Simply connect the control signal to the module’s input pin and power it with a 5V source. The optocoupler ensures that your control circuit remains isolated from the high-voltage load, enhancing safety and reliability.

Why Choose This Relay Module?

The 5V 1 Channel Relay Module offers a cost-effective solution for managing high-voltage devices with your Arduino projects. Its straightforward design, coupled with optocoupler isolation, makes it an excellent choice for hobbyists and professionals alike.

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