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BBC micro:bit Club – microbit v2 Club Kit

The micro:bit v2 Club Kit contains ten micro:bit v2 Go Bundles that provide everything required to get powered up and started.

This kit includes the micro:bit v2 boards (x10), short 6″ USB cables (x10), AAA battery holders (x10), and AAA batteries (x20).

Additionally, a quick start guide with unique ideas to get started with micro:bit is also included

3,500 L

BBC micro:bit Club – microbit v2 Club Kit

Empower Group Learning with the micro v2 Club Kit

The BBC micro v2 Club Kit is the perfect solution for educators and group leaders looking to introduce coding and electronics to multiple students simultaneously.

This kit includes ten micro v2 boards, each packed with advanced features to inspire creativity and innovation in young learners.

All-In-One Educational Package

Designed with educators in mind, the micro

v2 Club Kit provides everything you need to get started with coding and physical computing. Each micro

v2 board comes equipped with a built-in microphone, speaker, LED display, touch-sensitive logo, and multiple sensors, including an accelerometer, compass, and temperature sensor. These features make it easy to explore a wide range of STEM activities, from simple coding exercises to complex projects involving robotics and IoT.

Enhanced Collaboration and Creativity

With ten micro

v2 boards included, the Club Kit is ideal for classroom settings, coding clubs, or group projects. Students can work individually or collaborate on larger projects, allowing for hands-on learning experiences that promote teamwork and problem-solving skills.

The micro’s versatile design and wide range of online resources ensure that students of all levels can engage with the technology in meaningful ways.

Easy Setup and Compatibility

The BBC micro:bit Club – microbit v2 Club Kit is incredibly easy to set up and use, making it accessible for both beginners and more experienced users.

It is compatible with multiple programming languages, including block-based coding (Microsoft MakeCode), JavaScript, and Python, allowing students to progress at their own pace.

The micro v2 boards can be connected to other devices and components via Bluetooth and USB, further expanding the possibilities for creative projects.

Key Specifications:

  • Kit Includes: 10 micro

    v2 boards, USB cables, battery holders, and AA batteries

  • Connectivity: Bluetooth 5.0, USB, I2C, SPI, GPIO
  • Sensors: Accelerometer, compass, microphone, temperature sensor
  • Input/Output: 25 LED display, touch-sensitive logo, speaker
  • Programming Languages: Microsoft MakeCode, JavaScript, Python
  • Power Supply: USB or battery-powered (2x AAA batteries per board)
  • Dimensions: 52 x 42 mm per micro board

Engage and Inspire with the BBC micro

Club Kit

Whether you’re running a coding workshop or looking to enhance your classroom’s STEM curriculum, the BBC micro v2 Club Kit provides a fun and interactive way to introduce students to the world of programming and electronics.

This all-in-one kit is designed to make learning engaging, accessible, and collaborative for all participants.

v2 supports web-based programming in multiple languages, making it a versatile tool for learning and innovation.




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