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Fuli Battery 12V 55AH FL1255

  • Voltage: 12V
  • Capacity: 55AH

14,500 L

Fuli 12V 55AH Battery (FL1255) – Reliable Energy for Diverse Applications

The Fuli 12V 55AH Battery (FL1255) is engineered to deliver reliable and consistent power for a range of applications.

With a 55 amp-hour (AH) capacity, this battery is perfect for use in solar power systems, backup power solutions, and other energy storage needs.

Its robust design ensures dependable performance and longevity, making it a versatile choice for various energy requirements.

Key Features

Generous 55AH Capacity
Offering a capacity of 55 amp-hours, the Fuli FL1255 provides ample power for extended use.

This makes it suitable for applications that require a substantial energy reserve, including solar setups, RVs, and backup systems.

Stable 12V Power Supply
The Fuli FL1255 operates at 12 volts, ensuring a stable and consistent power output.

This reliability is essential for maintaining the performance of your devices and systems.

Durable and Long-Lasting
Constructed with high-quality materials, the Fuli 12V 55AH Battery is built to last.

Its durable design ensures it can withstand demanding conditions, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor use.

Versatile Use Cases
The Fuli 12V 55AH Battery is highly versatile and can be employed in various scenarios, such as:

  • Solar Power Systems: Stores energy generated by solar panels, providing reliable power for later use.
  • Backup Power: Offers dependable backup power during outages to keep essential devices and systems operational.
  • Recreational Vehicles (RVs) and Marine Applications: Powers RV appliances and marine equipment, ensuring a stable energy source while on the move.


  • Voltage: 12V
  • Capacity: 55AH
  • Type: [Specify type, e.g., AGM, Gel, Lithium]
  • Dimensions: [Insert dimensions]
  • Weight: [Insert weight]
  • Warranty: [Insert warranty information if available]


Reliable Performance
Designed to provide consistent power output, the Fuli FL1255 ensures that your devices and systems function smoothly without interruptions.

Low Maintenance
The battery features a maintenance-free design, minimizing the need for regular upkeep and allowing you to focus on usage rather than maintenance.

Enhanced Safety
Incorporates built-in safety features to prevent overcharging and short-circuiting, ensuring safe operation and extended battery life.

The Fuli 12V 55AH Battery (FL1255) is a robust and versatile power solution, ideal for a variety of applications.

With its high capacity, durable construction, and reliable performance, this battery is an excellent choice for solar energy storage, backup power, and recreational use.

SKU: FL1255 Kategori: , , ,

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