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Lenovo NB Yoga 7 14AHP9 AMD Ryzen 5 83DK007MRM

AMD Ryzen™ 5 8640HS (6C / 12T, 3.5 / 4.9GHz, 6MB L2 / 16MB L3)
Integrated AMD Radeon™ 760M Graphics
16GB Soldered LPDDR5x-6400
Storage Slot
One M.2 2242 PCIe® 4.0 x4 slot

89,900 L

Lenovo Yoga 7 14AHP9 – Versatile and Powerful 2-in-1 Laptop

The Lenovo NB Yoga 7 14AHP9 AMD Ryzen 5 83DK007MRM  is a sleek, powerful 2-in-1 convertible laptop designed for productivity and entertainment.

Powered by the AMD Ryzen 5 processor, this device delivers a perfect blend of performance and portability.

Whether you’re working, streaming, or creating, the Yoga 7 adapts seamlessly with its 360-degree hinge and vibrant 14-inch touchscreen display.

AMD Ryzen 5 Processor
At the core of the Yoga 7 is the AMD Ryzen 5 processor, providing smooth performance for multitasking, content creation, and light gaming.

With its efficient architecture, this laptop delivers power while maintaining long battery life.

14-Inch Full HD Touchscreen Display
The 14-inch Full HD (1920×1080) touchscreen display offers stunning visuals with vibrant colors and sharp details.

Its touch functionality, combined with the 360-degree hinge, allows you to switch between laptop, tablet, tent, or stand mode effortlessly, making it perfect for both work and play.

Enhanced Productivity with 2-in-1 Flexibility
Thanks to its 2-in-1 design, the Lenovo Yoga 7 can easily transition between different modes, offering versatility for various tasks.

Ample Memory and Fast Storage
With [Insert RAM capacity] of memory and a [Insert storage capacity] NVMe SSD.

The Yoga 7 ensures quick boot times, fast file access, and smooth multitasking across applications.

Integrated AMD Radeon Graphics
The integrated AMD Radeon Graphics card delivers solid performance for video editing, light gaming, and everyday multimedia tasks.


Ultimate Portability
Weighing just [Insert weight], the Yoga 7 is designed for users on the go.

Its slim and lightweight design ensures that it fits easily into your bag, making it ideal for students, professionals, and travelers.

Adaptive 2-in-1 Design
With the 360-degree hinge, you can switch between multiple modes, offering flexibility whether you’re typing a report.

Long Battery Life
The Yoga 7 is designed to keep you going throughout the day with its long battery life, reducing the need for frequent recharging.

The Lenovo NB Yoga 7 14AHP9 AMD Ryzen 5 83DK007MRM  is the perfect blend of power, portability, and versatility.

With its AMD Ryzen 5 processor, vibrant touchscreen, and 2-in-1 functionality, it is a fantastic choice for users seeking flexibility without compromising performance.

SKU: 83DK007MRM Kategori: , , ,

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