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LSA Punch Down Tool CCGB89555BU

  • Type: Punch Down Tool
  • Compatible Blocks: LSA, 110-style
  • Blades: Interchangeable, color-coded
  • Impact Adjustment: Yes
  • Handle: Ergonomic
  • Material: High-strength construction
  • Color: Blue

1,000 L

LSA Punch Down Tool CCGB89555BU – Precision and Reliability for Network Installation

Overview: The LSA Punch Down Tool CCGB89555BU is a high-quality, essential tool designed for professionals.

This tool ensures accurate and reliable connections for telecom and network installations, making it a must-have for any toolkit.

Key Features:

  • Ergonomic Design:
  • Features a comfortable, ergonomic handle that reduces hand fatigue during extended use, ensuring a more efficient installation process.
  • Precision Punching:
  • Equipped with a precision punching mechanism that delivers clean, accurate terminations on LSA and 110-style blocks, ensuring reliable connections.
  • Interchangeable Blades:
  • Comes with interchangeable blades for different types of connectors, including both standard and LSA blades, providing versatility for various network tasks.
  • Impact Adjustment:
  • Includes an adjustable impact setting to accommodate different cable types and termination needs, ensuring optimal performance and reducing the risk of damage.

Construction and Design:

  • Durable Build:
  • Made from high-strength materials to withstand frequent use and provide long-lasting reliability.
  • Compact and Lightweight:
  • Designed to be compact and lightweight, making it easy to handle and transport to different job sites.
  • Color-Coded Blades:
  • Features color-coded blades for quick identification and convenience, streamlining your work process.


  • Network Installations:
  • Ideal for terminating network cables onto patch panels and keystone jacks in both commercial and residential setups.
  • Telecom Work:
  • Essential for installing telephone lines and other telecom connections with precision and reliability.
  • DIY Projects:
  • Perfect for hobbyists and DIY enthusiasts working on home networking projects or upgrading their existing systems.


  • Type: Punch Down Tool
  • Compatible Blocks: LSA, 110-style
  • Blades: Interchangeable, color-coded
  • Impact Adjustment: Yes
  • Handle: Ergonomic
  • Material: High-strength construction
  • Color: Blue

Conclusion: The LSA Punch Down Tool CCGB89555BU provides precision and reliability for network and telecom installations.

With its ergonomic design, interchangeable blades, and impact adjustment features.

This tool is designed to meet the demands of both professional technicians and DIY enthusiasts, ensuring successful and efficient terminations every time.

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