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Nedis DisplayPort to HDMI Cable 4K@30Hz CCGT37100BK30

  • Type: DisplayPort to HDMI Cable
  • Resolution Support: 4K@30Hz
  • Length: 3 meters
  • Connector Type: DisplayPort to HDMI
  • Construction: Gold-plated connectors, high-quality shielding
  • Color: Black

1,800 L

Nedis DisplayPort to HDMI Cable 4K@30Hz CCGT37100BK30 – High-Quality Video Connectivity

The Nedis DisplayPort to HDMI Cable 4K@30Hz CCGT37100BK30 is a premium cable designed to provide a reliable and high-quality connection between DisplayPort-enabled devices and HDMI displays.

Perfect for achieving crisp and vibrant 4K video output, this cable is ideal for both professional and home entertainment setups.

Key Features:

  • 4K Resolution Support: Delivers stunning 4K resolution at 30Hz, ensuring sharp and clear visuals for your HD displays and monitors.
  • High-Quality Construction: Built with high-quality materials for enhanced durability and signal integrity, minimizing interference and signal loss.
  • Gold-Plated Connectors: Features gold-plated connectors to ensure a stable and corrosion-resistant connection, providing reliable performance over time.
  • Flexible Design: Designed with a flexible and durable outer sheath that allows for easy installation and maneuverability in tight spaces.


Supports 4K resolution at a 30Hz refresh rate, providing a smooth and detailed viewing experience for high-definition content.

Utilizes advanced shielding and high-quality conductors to deliver optimal signal transfer and maintain high video quality.


  • Ideal for connecting a DisplayPort-enabled laptop, desktop, or graphics card to an HDMI-enabled TV, monitor, or projector for enhanced viewing experiences.
  •  Suitable for use in professional environments where high-resolution displays are required, such as presentations, video editing, and graphic design.
  •  Perfect for gamers who want to connect their DisplayPort-compatible gaming systems to an HDMI monitor or TV for 4K gaming.


  • Type: DisplayPort to HDMI Cable
  • Resolution Support: 4K@30Hz
  • Length: 3 meters
  • Connector Type: DisplayPort to HDMI
  • Construction: Gold-plated connectors, high-quality shielding
  • Color: Black

Conclusion: The Nedis DisplayPort to HDMI Cable 4K@30Hz CCGT37100BK30 offers a reliable and high-performance solution for connecting DisplayPort devices to HDMI displays.

With its support for 4K resolution, durable construction, and flexible design, this cable ensures a superior visual experience for both professional and personal use.

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