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Nedis Fixed TV Wall Mount 60-100″ TVWM2070BK

60 – 100 ” | Maximum supported screen weight: 75 kg | Minimum wall distance: 30.5 mm | Metal / Steel | Black

• Extra large size mount – fits most TV screens from 60” to 100”.
• Suitable for VESA: 200×200 300×200, 300×300 400×200 , 400×300 400×400, 600×400 600×600, 800×600 900×600.
• Strong and durable component parts – max TV load capacity of 75 kg.
• Fixed design – 30 mm from the wall.
• Level indicator included – ensure straight positioning of the mount.
• Quick release cords – for easy placement or removal of the TV.

7,200 L

Nedis Fixed TV Wall Mount 60-100″ TVWM2070BK – Secure and Space-Saving Mount for Large Flat-Screen TVs

The Nedis Fixed TV Wall Mount 60-100″ TVWM2070BK is a reliable, heavy-duty solution designed to securely mount large flat-screen TVs ranging from 60 inches to 100 inches. This fixed-position mount keeps your television close to the wall, providing a sleek, space-saving installation. Whether for home theaters, living rooms, or professional environments, this mount is perfect for anyone looking for a minimalist, sturdy, and stable TV wall mounting solution.

Solid and Secure Construction

Built with heavy-duty steel, the Nedis TVWM2070BK ensures a secure hold for large TVs weighing up to 100 kg (220 lbs). The robust construction gives you peace of mind that your television is safely mounted on the wall, even for the heaviest models.

Slim, Space-Saving Design

The fixed-position design of the Nedis TVWM2070BK ensures that your TV sits just 2.5 cm from the wall. This ultra-slim profile creates a clean, modern look, perfect for any living room, home theater, or business environment where space efficiency and aesthetics are essential.

Universal VESA Compatibility

This wall mount is universally compatible with a wide range of TV brands and models. The VESA mounting system supports hole patterns from 200×200 mm up to 900×600 mm, making it easy to mount any large TV between 60″ and 100″.

Easy Installation for Large TVs

The Nedis Fixed TV Wall Mount 60-100″ TVWM2070BK comes with all the necessary hardware and a detailed installation manual, ensuring that you can easily and securely mount your TV. The mount is compatible with both brick and stud walls, offering versatile installation options to suit your space.


  • Screen Size Compatibility: 60″ to 100″
  • Weight Capacity: Up to 100 kg (220 lbs)
  • VESA Compatibility: 200×200 mm to 900×600 mm
  • Wall Distance: 2.5 cm (0.98 inches)
  • Material: Heavy-duty steel
  • Color: Black
  • Mount Type: Fixed (no tilt or swivel)
  • Installation: Suitable for brick or stud walls, includes mounting hardware

Perfect for Large Home Theaters and Professional Setups

The Nedis TVWM2070BK Fixed TV Wall Mount is ideal for those who need a secure and stable mounting solution for large TVs in home theaters, living rooms, conference rooms, or other professional environments. With its solid construction and space-saving design, this mount provides the ultimate combination of strength, simplicity, and style.

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