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Nedis USB Hub Card Reader CCGB60250BK01

  • 2-in-1 USB hub and card reader for expanded connectivity
  • 3 x USB 2.0 ports for peripherals and charging
  • Supports SD and microSD cards for easy file transfer
  • Fast data transfer with speeds up to 480Mbps
  • Compact, portable design for on-the-go convenience
  • Plug-and-play functionality – no drivers needed
  • Universal compatibility with Windows, macOS, and Linux

1,400 L

Nedis USB Hub Card Reader CCGB60250BK01 – Expand Your Connectivity with Ease

The Nedis USB Hub Card Reader CCGB60250BK01 is a versatile, all-in-one solution designed to expand your device’s connectivity and provide quick access to multiple memory cards. Perfect for home, office, or on-the-go use, this compact device serves as both a USB hub and a card reader, ensuring that you can easily transfer data, charge devices, and connect peripherals without hassle.

2-in-1 USB Hub and Card Reader

This Nedis CCGB60250BK01 combines a USB hub and a card reader in one convenient package, giving you access to a wide variety of devices and memory cards. With three USB 2.0 ports, you can easily connect external hard drives, keyboards, mice, or charge devices, while the built-in card reader supports multiple formats, including SD and microSD cards.

High-Speed Data Transfer

Equipped with USB 2.0 technology, this hub delivers fast data transfer speeds of up to 480Mbps, allowing you to quickly transfer files between your devices and memory cards. Whether you’re transferring photos, videos, or other large files, the Nedis CCGB60250BK01 ensures efficient performance.

Plug-and-Play Design

The plug-and-play design ensures that you can start using the hub and card reader right out of the box. There’s no need for additional drivers or complicated setup – simply connect it to your computer or laptop, and it’s ready to go.

Compact and Portable

Designed with portability in mind, this Nedis USB Hub Card Reader is compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry in your bag or pocket. It’s the perfect accessory for users who need to expand their connectivity on the go, whether at the office, home, or during travel.

Wide Compatibility

The Nedis CCGB60250BK01 is compatible with a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It works with laptops, desktop computers, and other devices equipped with USB ports, providing universal access to your peripherals and memory cards.


  • Model: Nedis CCGB60250BK01
  • USB Ports: 3 x USB 2.0
  • Card Reader Slots: 1 x SD, 1 x microSD
  • Data Transfer Speed: Up to 480Mbps (USB 2.0)
  • Compatibility: SD, SDHC, SDXC, microSD, microSDHC, microSDXC
  • Connector Type: USB-A
  • Plug-and-Play: Yes
  • Material: Plastic
  • Cable Length: 10 cm
  • Dimensions: 60mm x 40mm x 10mm
  • Weight: 50g
  • Color: Black
  • Operating Systems: Windows, macOS, Linux

Key Features:

  • 2-in-1 USB hub and card reader for expanded connectivity
  • 3 x USB 2.0 ports for peripherals and charging
  • Supports SD and microSD cards for easy file transfer
  • Fast data transfer with speeds up to 480Mbps
  • Compact, portable design for on-the-go convenience
  • Plug-and-play functionality – no drivers needed
  • Universal compatibility with Windows, macOS, and Linux

The Nedis USB Hub Card Reader CCGB60250BK01 is the perfect tool to streamline your workflow, making it easy to transfer data, connect peripherals, and manage your memory cards in one compact device.

SKU: CCGB60250BK01 Kategori: , , ,

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