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Raspberry Pi 400US Box PC Kit

The Raspberry Pi 400US Embedded Box Personal Computer Kit provides a complete computing solution with a compact, integrated design.

Featuring the Raspberry Pi 400 with a powerful quad-core processor, this kit includes all essential components for a ready-to-use personal computer.

Ideal for hobbyists, educators, and professionals looking for a versatile and easy-to-assemble computing platform.

14,900 L

The Raspberry Pi 400US Box PC Kit offers a powerful, all-in-one computing solution, perfect for home use, educational projects, and hobbyist ventures. Featuring the Raspberry Pi 400, an advanced single-board computer integrated into a sleek keyboard, this kit provides a compact and efficient computing experience.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Integrated Keyboard Design: The Raspberry Pi 400 is elegantly designed with an embedded keyboard, minimizing clutter and maximizing desk space. This all-in-one design simplifies setup, eliminating the need for additional peripherals.
  • Powerful Performance: Equipped with a quad-core ARM Cortex-A72 processor running at 1.8GHz, the Raspberry Pi 400 delivers smooth performance for everyday tasks, multimedia, programming, and more.
  • Complete Kit: Raspberry Pi 400US Box PC Kit includes everything you need to get started:
    • Pre-installed microSD card with Raspberry Pi OS for immediate use.
    • USB power supply to ensure efficient operation.
    • High-quality HDMI cable for clear video output to monitors or TVs.
    • Various adapters and connectors for broad device compatibility.
  • Versatile Connectivity: The Raspberry Pi 400 features multiple USB ports, an Ethernet port for reliable wired connections, and HDMI outputs for external displays.
  • Ideal for Education and Creativity: Perfect for students, educators, and hobbyists, this kit is designed for learning programming, creating interactive projects, and exploring computing. Its compact form factor and user-friendly design make it an excellent tool for educational environments and personal growth.
  • Strong Community Support: Benefit from the vast Raspberry Pi community, with extensive online resources, tutorials, and support. Beside the ease of troubleshooting, this active ecosystem fosters learning and innovation.

The Raspberry Pi 400US Personal Computer Kit is not just a computer; it’s a gateway to creativity, learning, and technological exploration. Whether you’re setting up a home office, diving into coding, or starting an electronics project, this kit provides a reliable, powerful, and easy-to-use solution.

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