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Green Cell® Car Power Inverter Converter 12V to 230V 150W/300W INV06

Transform your car’s 12V DC power into 230V AC with the Green Cell® Car Power Inverter Converter.

This compact and powerful inverter provides 150W continuous power with a peak capacity of 300W

4,200 L

Green Cell® Car Power Inverter Converter – 12V to 230V, 150W/300W INV06

Transform Your Car’s Power Supply with Ease

Upgrade your vehicle’s power capabilities with the Green Cell® Car Power Inverter Converter. Designed to convert 12V DC from your car battery to 230V AC, this versatile inverter offers 150W continuous power with a peak capability of 300W, making it perfect for powering various devices and appliances on the go.

High-Powered Performance

With a continuous output of 150W and a peak power of 300W, the INV06 inverter efficiently powers a wide range of electronics, from laptops and phones to small household appliances. Enjoy the convenience of using your devices in your vehicle without compromising on power.

Compact and Portable Design

The compact design of the Green Cell® inverter makes it easy to carry and store. Its sleek and durable construction ensures reliability and efficiency, fitting conveniently in your car’s interior while offering robust performance.

Versatile Application

Ideal for road trips, camping, and emergency situations, this inverter allows you to stay connected and powered up no matter where you are. It’s a practical solution for powering essential electronics and small appliances during travel or outdoor activities.

Safety and Reliability

Equipped with advanced safety features, including overload protection, short-circuit protection, and overheat protection, the Green Cell® inverter ensures safe and reliable operation. The intelligent design prevents potential damage to your devices and the inverter itself.

Easy to Use

The inverter is user-friendly with straightforward plug-and-play functionality. Simply connect the inverter to your vehicle’s 12V power outlet and use the AC outlet to power your devices. Its intuitive design makes it easy to operate, even for those new to power inverters.

Durable Construction

Built to withstand the rigors of travel, the Green Cell® inverter features a robust build that ensures long-lasting performance. Its high-quality components and sturdy casing provide durability and dependability for your power needs.

Upgrade Your Power Solutions

The Green Cell® Car Power Inverter Converter is a must-have accessory for anyone needing reliable power conversion while on the move. Enhance your vehicle’s power capabilities with a device that delivers both performance and convenience.

Experience the freedom of portable power with the Green Cell® Car Power Inverter Converter, offering efficient 12V to 230V conversion with safety, reliability, and ease of use.

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