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Xerox Printer MFP B235s Wireless B235V_DNI

Boost your office efficiency with the Xerox B235V_DNI Wireless Multifunction Printer .

This compact and reliable MFP offers printing, scanning, copying, and faxing capabilities in one powerful device.

Ideal for small businesses and home offices, the B235V_DNI provides high-quality output, fast performance, and seamless wireless connectivity.

33,900 L

Xerox Printer MFP B235s Wireless B235V_DNI – Compact, High-Performance Printing

This compact and reliable MFP offers printing, scanning, copying, and faxing capabilities in one powerful device.

Ideal for small businesses and home offices, the B235V_DNI provides high-quality output, fast performance, and seamless wireless connectivity.

Key Features:

  • All-in-One Functionality : Print, scan, copy, and fax from a single device, streamlining your workflow and saving space.
  • Wireless Connectivity : Easily connect to your network via Wi-Fi, allowing for printing from multiple devices without the need for cables.
  • High-Quality Output : Delivers sharp text and clear images with a print resolution of up to 600 x 600 dpi, ensuring professional-grade documents.
  • Fast Print Speeds : Produce up to 36 pages per minute (ppm), with a quick first-page-out time to keep your tasks moving efficiently.
  • Compact and Durable Design : Space-saving design that fits comfortably in small office environments, yet built to handle heavy workloads.
  • Automatic Document Feeder (ADF) : 40-sheet ADF for efficient scanning, copying, and faxing of multiple pages.
  • Mobile Printing : Supports printing from smartphones and tablets via Apple AirPrint, Google Cloud Print, and Xerox Print Service Plugin for Android.


  • Type : Multifunction Printer (MFP)
  • Model Number : B235V_DNI
  • Functionality : Print, Scan, Copy, Fax
  • Connectivity : Wireless (Wi-Fi), Ethernet, USB 2.0
  • Print Speed : Up to 36 ppm
  • Print Resolution : Up to 600 x 600 dpi
  • Paper Capacity : 250-sheet input tray, 100-sheet output tray
  • ADF Capacity : 40 sheets
  • Monthly Duty Cycle : Up to 30,000 payments
  • Dimensions : 16.4 x 15.4 x 14.3 inches (W x D x H)
  • Weight : Approximately 22.8 lbs
  • Color : Black and White

Why Choose Xerox B235V_DNI?

  • Versatile and Efficient : Handle all your office tasks with one reliable, multifunctional device.
  • Wireless Flexibility : Print, scan, and copy from anywhere in your office with easy wireless connectivity.
  • Fast and High-Quality : Get professional results quickly, with sharp text and vibrant images.
  • Compact and Reliable : Perfect for small offices, providing robust performance in a space-saving design.

Enhance your productivity with the Xerox Printer MFP B235s Wireless B235V_DNI.

Delivering reliable, high-performance printing, scanning, copying, and faxing in one compact device.

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